Who runs this blog?

My name is Y.L Al-Sheikh. I am a freelance writer and organizer that primary covers the relationship between the American Left and the Palestinian struggle. I also, whenever I find the time, write about working class history and the various subjects that fall under that broad genre. You can find my words in publications such as Dissent, Jacobin, Foreign Policy, Liberal Currents, the Center for International Policy’s journal, and The Nation/

This blog is where I publish miscellaneous works, such as book reviews or more casual interviews and analysis, that wouldn’t otherwise fit in the pages of a professional publication. I might also on occasion post other, more lighthearted material that relate to an interest of mine that falls out of the scope of my more focused writing.

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A newsletter about Palestine, among other things. Friendship House is meant to be a place to learn about the history of Palestine. All support to the newsletter goes to its editor and contributor, who is also a writer for various publications elsewhere.


I write about anything that comes to mind.